Friday, June 22, 2012

The furniture wood has been stripped, sanded & refinished. It should be on its way back to the upholsterer for new "clothes"!  Armand, the furniture guy, told me that the couch likely dates to the 1920's or 30's and the chair to the 50's or 60's.  They took both pieces apart and employed the old "glue it and screw it" technique, that my dad uses, to put them back together :)  The total cost for the furniture restoration part was about 900$.
Sorry this is so blurry.  On the far left of the photos you can see the traces of where the frame used to be cracked and is now glued back together.

The chair, ready for new clothes.

The couch, ready for new clothes.

A top-down shot of the joint between the arm and the back of the couch.  Intended to show the new screws.

The refinished arm molding

The sad back of the couch.  We will be sure to have these springs replaced.

Looking into the back of the couch at the old springs.

The edges of the couch were padded to provide roundness to the edges, rather than feeling sharp wooden corners.  This is a spot where the burlap covering has worn away to reveal the innards of the padding - twisted paper!!  That definitely dates this to the pre-plastic era :)  They will replace this at the upholstery shop with packing foam wrapped in burlap.

Refinished leg of the chair.

This is the leg of the couch that had a chip out of it.  I'm not sure that they filled it in correctly but I'd have to look at the other back leg to be sure.  Methinks it is bubbled where it should be a smooth swoop.  Even if it's wrong I won't have them change it.  I want my couch back!

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